Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello Misery.

Things simply seem to slip through the shattered box of lost dreams and reality. All hope is gone. All laughter and every smile has cracked. The lips bleed. 

They sit dry, cracked, and pale upon the face. Walking has never been pleasant when you're drenched in solitude and when your mind fabricates thoughts filled with anger that boils through the very center of your veins. They pulse with hate, they beat against the flesh with the persistent beating of rage. 

A dark shadow does linger deep inside. It hides behind the mirrors in my eyes, behind every kiss the taste of decay lingers and hides. Under the very own skin it squirms like a maggot...inside of me..hiding...I never truly see it. 

But I feel it. It mocks me day by day and drains me of my strength. 

There are times i drown in my own sorrow and darkness grows upon me...I become everything I hate. Weakness, emptyness, stupidity, sinfulness....I fall asleep and fall into the deep beds of the unconsious where I suffocate myself with the horros that hide deep within. I slip into my very own nightmare where an unknown hatred harbored by everything within me is fabricating inside of me to be aimed at evrything and everyone without my very own understanding of it.

I throw my own self into an abyss of muddled feelings and emotions...a pool of confusion and so I come to hate myself.

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